November 8, 2008 by IDW Publishing
In the future world of Supermarket, it's the literal truth. Legitimate and black-market economies rule the City, overseen by the vying factions of the Yakuza and Porno Swede crime families. Convenience store clerkette and 16-year old suburban wise-ass Pella Suzuki suddenly finds herself in the middle of it all, heir to an empire she couldn't possibly inherit, but hitmen on both sides aren't taking any chances.
Okay, I admit it. I'm a huge nerd, geek and what-have-you but this is the bookish world in the internet-universe and I know I'm not the only one who reads graphic novels, comics and manga. I grew up around illustrated stories, got into graphic novels when I was fairly young and I love a good story that's narrated with great art. To those people who aren't giving the comic book world a chance; you're missing out.
Say you love yourself some dystopian fiction, enjoy stories about the mafia, and hell, maybe you secretly love watching those Fast and Furious movies... Supermarket is a mighty fine graphic novel. I want to emphasize the word graphic too, because the art in this book does not follow the standard superhero-graphic-novel style. The colours are bright and well-thought out and each page is eye-catching without being offensive. The drawings themselves are look simply illustrated but in fact have a lot of character. The art reflects well on the urban adventure of the story and the artist has an excellent grasp of design.

Supermarket is exciting, bold and colourful.
Rating: 4/5 Bookworms
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